Riding the quad, Naxos
I ended up staying on Naxos an extra day due to what I considered some clever contract work by the quad rental company. So, I headed back to a remote little beach I had seen from a distance the day before, for some relaxation in nature. The bay itself was picture postcard perfect, with a tree right near the water for shade, delightful swimming... and a shoreline consisting of millions of 1/4" to 3/4" inch marble stones in a myriad of colors!
The chant came through both on the ride to the sea, and during the long afternoon. Although I loved the isolation of the place, the aftermath of the song found me feeling deeply lonely, and I found myself standing waist deep in the middle of the bay crying and crying and asking the universe for a miracle, for some sort of sign that I was not alone... A miracle which was to arrive in a number of small ways in the followng days.
This chant is the first of three which have became affirmations which now seem to pop into my mind on their own every day. (The others are "Today I Recreate" and "I Am the Miracle"). I especially love the line "I am one unique expression of the Great Divine"!
The first part of the song about placing stones actually came a few days later on Ikaria, inspired both by the process of writing "I Forgive Me" and the exquisite rock dwellings I encountered which were made entiely of stacked stones. It came and went in fits and starts, the words and melody changing and never quite jelling until I realized it was an opening statement for the Steppin' song - and the two became one.

I ended up staying on Naxos an extra day due to what I considered some clever contract work by the quad rental company. So, I headed back to a remote little beach I had seen from a distance the day before, for some relaxation in nature. The bay itself was picture postcard perfect, with a tree right near the water for shade, delightful swimming... and a shoreline consisting of millions of 1/4" to 3/4" inch marble stones in a myriad of colors!
The chant came through both on the ride to the sea, and during the long afternoon. Although I loved the isolation of the place, the aftermath of the song found me feeling deeply lonely, and I found myself standing waist deep in the middle of the bay crying and crying and asking the universe for a miracle, for some sort of sign that I was not alone... A miracle which was to arrive in a number of small ways in the followng days.
This chant is the first of three which have became affirmations which now seem to pop into my mind on their own every day. (The others are "Today I Recreate" and "I Am the Miracle"). I especially love the line "I am one unique expression of the Great Divine"!
The first part of the song about placing stones actually came a few days later on Ikaria, inspired both by the process of writing "I Forgive Me" and the exquisite rock dwellings I encountered which were made entiely of stacked stones. It came and went in fits and starts, the words and melody changing and never quite jelling until I realized it was an opening statement for the Steppin' song - and the two became one.

i'm steppin into clarity
i'm walking in my power
i'm dancing magic in my life
every day, every hour
i'm choosin to be using
the gifts i've got
to make the world so fine
for i am one unique expression
of the great divine
i'm steppin into clarity
i'm walking in my power
i'm dancing magic in my life
every day, every hour
i'm choosin to be using
the gifts i've got
to make the world so fine
for i am one unique expression
of the great divine
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